HTTP Response status code errors

What is HTTP Response Status Code Error

The HTTP response status code, often shortened to just status code, is a three-digit number used by the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) as part of its request-response message format to describe the result of an attempt to retrieve, modify, or delete information from the resource on the origin server.

The status code can also indicate client-side errors such as invalid authentication tokens or issues with caching.

The first digit is always between 100 and 199, with 200-299 being the second digit. The third digit specifies a specific type of error, and the last two digits specify if it’s an informational message (100-199) or a warning (200-299).

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What are HTTP Status Code Errors?

Many HTTP status code errors can happen to your website. Here I will inform you about the most important HTTP codes that are very much needed for you.

I think you have heard about 100 continue. IT is also a very important HTTP Code. I will discuss this first. And then the codes I will discuss are-

List of all HTTP Response Status Code

# 100 continue 

The HTTP Response status Code 100 Continue is a response code that indicates the client should ignore the response and if the request is already finished, continue with the request. This is used when a client sends a request and expects to receive a response, but if the server doesn’t have anything to send back after processing, it will respond with this code.

# HTTP Response code 101 Switching Protocols

HTTP Request code 101 Switching Protocols is a response code that indicates the server is switching to a different protocol and if the request is already finished, should continue with the request.

# HTTP Response code 103 Early Hints

HTTP status code 103, known as HTTP Early Hints, is a standard web response code that is used when the server wants to send information to the browser about certain resources that will be needed in order to render the page. 

These resources may include CSS and JavaScript files. The server sends a list of these resources in an early format, and then the browser can preload them before it parses the HTML page. The server must send a list of these resources in order for this standard to take effect, and it should be used with link headers.

# HTTP Response code 200 OK

It comes under the successful response. It is divided into parts.

  • Get- The resource has been fetched. And then it is transmitted in the message body.
  • Head- Without any message body, the representation headers are included in the response.
  • Post or Put- In the message body the resource describing the result of the action is transmitted.
  • Trace- The request message that is contained by the message body, is received by the server.
# HTTP Response code 201 Created 

A response code of 201 Created indicates that the request succeeded, and also that new resources were created as a result. These are typically the response that is sent after post requests and some put requests. 

The client will typically send a request to create a new resource, and the server will respond with a 201 Created code to indicate that this resource has been created. The client can now access this resource by making requests to the same URI it sent its original request to.

# HTTP Response code 202 Accepted

It means the request has been received but yet not acted upon. It is intended for cases, where another process or server handles the request just for batch processing.

# HTTP Response code 203 Non-Authoritative Information

This HTTP code means the metadata that is returned is not the same as is available from the origin server but it is collected from a third-party or local copy. This code is used for backups or mirrors.

# HTTP Response code 204 No Content 

Here the headers can be useful. Here the user agent can update its cached headers for the resources with the new ones.

# HTTP Response code 205 Reset Content 

The HTTP response code 205 Reset Content is a special HTTP status message that signals to the user agent that it should reset any local caches that may have been used to store the document being accessed. This is a standard protocol for clearing out any cached content and ensuring that the most up-to-date version of a document is downloaded from the webserver when requested.

# HTTP Response code 206 Partial Content

It is a range code. The 206 Partial Content response code is used when the server has successfully fulfilled a partial GET request for the resource. The server must send a range header in the response to indicate which parts of the file were sent.

# HTTP Response code 300 Multiple Choices 

When a user accesses a website, the server sends back a response code to tell the user what happened. The response code 300 means that the requested resource has been assigned multiple possible responses and the user should select one of them.

# HTTP Response code 301 Moved Permanently

It is a code of permanent move. When you update any post URL to a new URL that means you removed the old URL and moved to the new URL permanently.

# HTTP Response code 302 Found

This code means that the URL will move to the new URL temporarily. 

For example, if you are working on a page or post and you temporarily change the URL of that post for some specific reason and after updating that post, you type the same URL again.

What is the meaning of this? You Moved that page URL temporarily, not permanently.

# HTTP Response code 303 See Other 

The server sent this request directly to the client. To get the requested resource at another URI with a GET request.

# HTTP Response code 304 Not Modified

This is a code of caching. It informs the client about the response. By this, the client can use the same cached version.

# HTTP Response code 307 Temporary Redirect 

This code is like the 302 HTTP codes. Here also the client gets the new URI to redirect temporarily to the new. But the user agent must not change the HTTP method used.

# HTTP Response code 308 Permanent Redirect 

This code also has a similarity with 301 permanent redirects. The old URL has been permanently moved to the new one. But here also, the user agent must not change the HTTP method used.

# HTTP Response code 400 Bad Request

Here for the invalid syntax, the server could not understand the request the client is giving.

How to Fix: 

  • Check Internet Connection
  • Recheck URL
  • Clear Browser Cookie
  • Clear DNS Cache
  • Compress File
  • Deactivate Browser Extension
  • Restart System

You can read by clicking here How to Fix 400 Bad Requests.

# HTTP Response code 401 Unauthorized

Here unauthorized means unauthenticated. Here the client must need to authenticate to get the response he/she wants.

Why did it happen?

  • Outdated Browser Cache and Cookies
  • Plugins Problems
  • Incorrect URL and Expire Links

Read more about how to fix 401 unauthorized response code.

# HTTP Response code 402 Payment Required

This is based on the future. It was made to do digital transactions. But now, it is rarely used by clients.

Cause of this Error:

A 402 error code is a general error code that is used by the webserver to indicate that the request was not understood by the server. There are several possible causes for this type of error: incorrect syntax, unstable connection, or erroneous origin. The most common cause for a 402 error is an incorrect address bar entry.

If you get this error read how to fix the 402 payments required.

# HTTP Response code 403 Forbidden

Here if you are getting this that means the client is not authorized to get the information he/she wants. Here also he/she first needs to authenticate.

Sometimes you will see these errors using different names like:

  • 403 Forbidden
  • HTTP 403
  • Forbidden
  • Error 403
  • Forbidden: You don’t have permission to access this server
  • Error 403 : Forbidden

Check how to fix 403 forbidden errors.

# What is the 404 status code Not Found

Here the server can not find the requested resource. That means it may be deleted or something else. That is why it is not showing. Here you can also get the response of 403 forbidden.

How to Fix this Error:

  • Create and design a 404 error page. Add a message about that page no more and add a new link to that page.
  • Use 404 plugins to solve this error.
# HTTP Response code 405 Method Not Allowed

The request method is known by the server, but not supported by the server. For example, you are not allowed to delete or remove something.

You can face different variants of these errors:

  • 405 Not Allowed
  • Method Not Allowed
  • HTTP 405 Error
  • HTTP Error 405 – Method Not Allowed

Read this article on How to fix the 405 Method Not Allowed Error on Your WordPress Site

# HTTP Response code 406 Not Acceptable

This HTTP code is sent but the client-server is not accepting the request and not performing according to that.

How to Fix 406 Not Acceptable:

  • Check your URL
  • Because of Recent upgrade or installation
  • Try to Uninstall new plugins or extension
  • Check any changes in Database

If this is not working check using server-side like Configuration files and Application logs.

# HTTP Response code 407 Proxy Authentication Required

This is the 407 proxy authentication required error code. The code indicates that the server received a request that requires authentication, but was unable to process the request as a result of insufficient user id and password, or a problem with the underlying authentication scheme. 

These errors are almost always due to insufficient user id and password, or a problem with the underlying authentication scheme. Authentication credentials are required to access the Internet, and most websites require authentication.

You can read by clicking here How to fix proxy authentication errors.

# HTTP Response code 408 Request Timeout

This code means that the server is not showing the data or information that the client wants to see. The server got the request but somehow or maybe the data is unavailable, that is why it is not showing data to the client.

Different ways you can face these errors;

  • 408 Request Time-out
  • Request Timeout
  • The Request Has Timed Out
  • 408: Request Timeout
  • HTTP Error 408 – Request Timeout

Read a more detailed guide on how to fix 408 request timeouts.

# HTTP Response code 409 Conflict

The HTTP response code 409 Conflict is sent when a request conflicts with the present state of the server. The most common example of this would be when a user attempts to create a new record in a database that already exists.

Learn more How to fix 409 Conflicts.

# HTTP Response code 410 Gone

By the name of this HTTP code, you can understand what kind of code this is. This response is sent when the requested data is permanently deleted from the server. Diagnosing 410 Gone error.

# HTTP Response code 411 Length Required

Here the server rejected the request because the content length is required to show the data that is requested. But the data does not have the header section.

Causes of the Content-length required:

The most common cause of the 411 status code is that the webserver is trying to redirect the client to a different URL. The request was not understood by the server because of the wrong address bar entry, incorrect spelling, or missing page.

# HTTP Response code 412 Precondition Failed

The 412 response code indicates the precondition of a header has been met, but the conditions stated in the header have not been met. The message has been made more specific by adding additional message elements. A precondition is a constraint that the client must meet in order to request a resource from the server. It is a response to a precondition, indicating the conditions have been met.

# HTTP Response code 413 Payload Too Large

The data that is requested by the client is larger than the limit that is set by the server. So, in this type of situation, the client can see this code.

Read more about why this 413 error came and how to fix it.

# HTTP Response code 414 URI Too Long

A server error status code of 414 is typically seen when the request (sent by a browser) is longer than the server can handle. For instance, if the browser requests a file that is too large for the server, it may respond with HTTP status code 414.

# HTTP Response code 415 Unsupported Media Type

The file or media that is requested by the client is not matching the server’s requirements. So, in that case, you can see this code.

Learn what to do if you face this 415 media type error.

# HTTP Response code 416 Range Not Satisfiable

The data’s range specified by the server is not matching the exact requirements. So, I need to make it short.

Read what are the causes of this 416 error and how to fix it.

# HTTP Response code 417 Expectation Failed

When the client is requesting some data to the server, but the server’s header section is rejecting that request just because there is some internal issue, that time you can face this 417 issue.

# HTTP Response code 418 I’m a teapot

The server has refused the attempt to brew the coffee with the teapot.

Learn about 418 in detail.

# HTTP Response code 422 Unprocessable Entity

The request that has been done by the client, was good or well-formed but the server has rejected that due to some internal errors that time you can face this 422 entity error.

# HTTP Response code 425 Too Early

425 too early indicates that the server is unwilling to take a risk by showing or playing the data that has been requested by the client.

# HTTP Response code 426 Upgrade Required

The data that has been requested by the client is good but the server does not want to show that on the current protocol or version. But if the client updates that then the server may show the data the client wants.

# HTTP Response code 428 Precondition Required

In this HTTP code, the origin server requires the request to be conditional. Here the response is intended to prevent the lost update problem. And the client gets the resources state and after the modification puts it back to the server.

# HTTP Response code 429 Too Many Requests

This HTTP code you will see when the user sent too many requests at a certain time.

# HTTP Response code 431 Request Header Fields Too Large

In this HTTP code, the server is unwilling to show the result because the header section is too large. After reducing the size you can request one more time.

# HTTP Response code 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons

In this HTTP code, the server will show any data because the request that is done by the user can not be provided legally.

# HTTP Response code 500 Internal Server Error

The Internal Server Error is a 500-level error message that indicates that the server is having problems and cannot fulfill the request. The message “500 Internal Server Error” is given when the server encounters an unexpected condition that prevents it from fulfilling the request.

# HTTP Response code 501 Not Implemented

HTTP Response Code 501 Not Implemented is a response code that indicates that the server (whether it be a web server or some other type of server) does not support any of the HTTP methods. 

The only two methods it is required to support are GET and HEAD, which are used for retrieving information and metadata about a resource respectively. If you receive this code, it means that the server does not support (or has disabled) any of the other methods such as POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.

# HTTP Response code 502 Bad Gateway

A 502 bad gateway error means the server got a response that is not valid. So, in this situation, you will get this HTTP code.

# HTTP Response code 503 Service Unavailable

503 service unavailable code means that the server is not ready to take the load. The reasons can be anything like- it is under maintenance, or overloaded, etc.

But together with the response, a user-friendly page that is explaining the problem should be sent.

# HTTP Response code 504 Gateway Timeout

You will see this HTTP code when the user is not sending any request or the server is not getting any request in time. Learn more about how to fix 504 gateway timeouts.

# HTTP Response code 505 HTTP Version Not Supported

There is also the similarity. When you are getting this 505 HTTP code then the request is not supported by the server.

# HTTP Response code 506 Variant Also Negotiates

Here the problem is an international configuration error. The process is not transparent here.

# HTTP Response code 507 Insufficient Storage

If you are getting this HTTP code then it means the server is not able to store the order or representation to complete the task or request.

# HTTP Response code 508 Loop Detected

Here the server detected an infinite loop while processing the task that was given by the user or client.

# HTTP Response code 510 Not Extended

Here the server needs a further extension to fulfill the task.

# HTTP Response code 511 Network Authentications Required

If you are getting this HTTP code, then you have to authenticate first to get the network access.

Frequently Ask Questions

  1. Is the HTTP status code a header?

    It is just a part of the full HTTP response that a server sends to a user. The full response of a status code and additional information is called the HTTP header.
    Additional information is sent along with the status code.

  2. What is the Purpose of the HTTP status code?

    The status codes are used to help identify the cause of the problem when a web page or other resource does not load properly.


In conclusion, I would say that the status code or HTTP code I have informed you in this article is just for your knowledge.

In your blogging career, you will rarely see all of these codes. But some of the codes are important and you will see that 301, 303, 404, etc.

And the process to fix these HTTP response status code is also very easy. You can use some plugins to fix that.


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